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Meningiomas are tumors that develop from the meninges or membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. They are not technically tumors, but can be categorized as such, because they shrink the size of the brain, vessels or nerves.
A meningioma is a common type of brain tumor that grows slowly over time. So, the signs and symptoms might take a little longer to notice.
Meningioma Causes
The exact cause of meningioma is unknown. However, doctors believe that some alterations in the cells make them grow out of control and form a mass or tumor like other cancers.
Cancers are mostly genetic, which means you inherit the gene mutation from your parents and are at risk of getting a specific cancer. Apart from genes, some risk factors of meningioma include:
Meningioma Symptoms
Because of the slow growth of meningioma, symptoms occur over time. Most symptoms depend upon the location of the tumor. It includes:
Grades/Stages of Meningioma
Primary central nervous system tumors are graded based on different factors. It includes the tumor’s location, size, genetic findings, the extent of spread, patient’s age, etc.
Meningiomas are classified into three following grades:
Grade 1
These tumors are the most common, low-grade tumors that grow slowly over time.
Grade 2
These are mid-grade atypical meningiomas with higher chances of coming back after their removal.
Grade 3
They are anaplastic meningiomas that grow at a fast pace. These tumors are mostly cancerous.
Meningioma Diagnosis
Diagnosis of a meningioma is often a difficult task. As the tumor grows slowly, its symptoms can be mistakenly associated with other health conditions.
If your doctor suspects meningioma, he will recommend you to a neurologist. During the visit, he would do a thorough neurological exam along with tests like:
CT Scan
This takes cross-sectional images of your brain through a type of x-ray.
A radio wave is used to create images of the brain structure.
A part of the tumor is examined through biopsy to confirm a meningioma in other cases.
Meningioma Treatment
The meningioma treatment depends upon various factors like tumor’s location, size, growth rate, grade, etc. Moreover, patient age, overall health and treatment goals are also considered.
At first, if a meningioma isn’t causing any symptoms, you might not need immediate treatment. You will have periodic scans to monitor the tumor’s growth in such cases.
However, if the tumor is overgrowing, your doctor can suggest surgical removal of a tumor. For this, the doctors will first perform craniotomy (removing a bone part to expose the brain) and then remove the tumor as much as possible.
In cases where a meningioma can’t be removed completely, the doctor will use radiation therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells.
Risk Factors of Meningioma
Complications of Meningioma
Meningioma and its treatment can cause some complications like: